By Dr. Forsythe


Positive Attitude

Avoid becoming afraid or discouraged, while always aware that cures for all types of cancer have been reported in medical literature at one time or other.


Alternate Path

Avoid becoming afraid or discouraged, while always aware that cures for all types of cancer have been reported in medical literature at one time or other.


Stay Alert

Remain skeptical when reading or hearing statements regarding clinical studies and prognostic results. Always remember that evidence-based medicine is not in play when more than two drugs are used.


Remain Positive

Politely leave your oncologist’s office if he or she starts mentioning “hospice care” or “getting your affairs in order.” This means the physician has given up on you, something that you should never do.


Adopt Good Eating Habits

Take charge of your diet and nutrition. Be serious about following your medical support team’s diet recommendations~ especially foods suggested by homeopaths and physicians who use natural remedies.


Limit Certain Tests

Refuse to accept over-testing that involves radiation procedures, especially scans likely to suppress your immune system. Such procedures might prevent your body’s immune defenses from working at their optimal levels.


Important Knowledge

Always remain aware that at least 50 beneficial supplements could emerge as helpful infighting your cancer. Your integrative oncologist should be able to provide results, indicating how well specific types of chemotherapy might assist you~ if at all.



Avoid getting fooled by advertisements or promotions that claim specific cancer centers have “pinpointed radiology procedures”~ treatments for specific types of cancers. Remember systematic treatments are necessary for Stage IV cancers.


Refuse Certain Surgeries

Avoid yielding to aggressive surgical procedures in instances when your cancer is Stage IV.


Limit Pharmaceuticals

Whenever possible, use the lowest number of drugs and always use the lowest dose possible to fight your cancer to prevent destruction of your immune system.